Our Brewing Friends: Freewheel Brewing Company

The Central Rail Brewing Hefeweizen was released on Saturday, September 21, 2019, and was sold out by the end of October. Stay tuned for news about future availability of Central Rail Brewing beers!

As a small brewing startup, we contacted our beer friends at Freewheel Brewing Company, who graciously brewed for us—and are selling direct to you—from their brewery and taproom in Redwood City.

In case you’re curious, the ties between Central Rail Brewing and Freewheel Brewing originated in a University of Michigan connection. Freewheel Brewing is part-owned by UM graduates, and Central Rail was also founded by a UM grad. Freewheel has been a UM football game watch location for about four years, so it was natural for the brewing connection to be made.

Come to the Freewheel taproom in Redwood City and enjoy fine craft beers!

Central Rail Brewing Company is now on Untappd, so when you’re at Freewheel make sure you check in and tell us what you think.

Redwood City

Freewheel Brewing Company

3736 Florence St.
Redwood City, CA 94036
(650) 365-2337

Freewheel Logo.jpg